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Wondering where to Start when Starting Over?

Step out of Fear into Faith by

Grabbing yourWealth ReBuilding Guide & Workbook

Shifting your Money Mindset from Worry to Wealthy Today! 

Recognized in 2022 as one of the top 50 Women of Influence by Success Magazine, Tricia Daniel is a 3rd generation Financial Expert & Mindset Strategist equipping leaders with Confidence and Communication tools with discussing Money.

Founder of the Starting Over Wealth Network, Owner of Sown Financial LLC, Host of 3 Podcast Shows, Tricia shares a deep passion for promoting Financial Literacy.  As an MBA with a career of over 25 years in public accounting & corporate finance, Tricia combines her vast experience in auditing, taxes and financial analysis with teaching from her financial planner father to pour into audiences key tools they can leave with.





Her understanding of money mindset also stems from her personal financial journey.  Tricia Daniel has also been a single mother who has started over twice financially after divorce, a woman who has conquered eliminating debt three times from different life events and an Executive laid off with no savings.  Her personal financial journey connects with other women’s feelings of shame, overwhelm and fear around overcoming financial stress.


Wealth Rebuilder &

Keynote Speaker



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Let's work together!


Join our Network

Community of Trusted Financial Experts supporting Women ready to Rebuild their Wealth after Life suddenly Changes. If you are a Woman in search of someone to Trust or a Financial Expert in search of Women to Support, Join our Network!

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Classes & Membership

Ever feel like its never Enough? Rebuilding on a firm foundation to Expand to the Enough God has planned for us, I have designed a Membership & Courses to support Women as they Shift from Worry to Wealthy after Life Changes,



Team members struggling with Financial Confidence as they grow their business or Employees struggling with feeling empowered financially?

With 4 Key Takeaway tools, I empower Audiences that their Someday is Today to shift their Mindsets from Worry to Wealthy.

Available for Keynote presentations, Podcast interviews, workshops, intensives and much more

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Every once in a while you meet someone who leaves an impact on your heart simply from watching how they show up for themselves and serve others. It's easy to show up for yourself and not give much attention to the needs of others. Likewise, there's no shortage of examples of those who serve others with excellence while grossly neglecting their own needs. I have witnessed Tricia over the last two years demonstrate the importance of feeding your own soul first by investing in self. As well, I've watched her show up, in powerful ways, for others. There is a strength that flows from one who has invested in themselves to the point of overflowing onto others. I have been the recipient of Tricia's overflow and the impact her service has made on my heart will never be forgotten. As I've observed Tricia walk out her faith in caring for herself and others, there's a calm sense of peace. When you experience peace from observing, communicating, and spending time with a person, you feel a level of safety in their presence that ushers in trust. My experience with Tricia has resulted in a great level of trust. I know that she will follow through on what she says because she has proven herself to be trustworthy.   Anita Morris, Author, Speaker & Founder of Anita by Design


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